Budget monitoring in the context of project management can be tedious because the resources allocated are variable.
This is the reason why the JOUROFF project monitoring software offers an analytical approach that allows you to control the allocation of time, from a forecasting point of view or in production mode.
Upstream of the time tracking, the software offers you several levels of configuration, namely :
♦ modeling your project portfolios, according to the different phases or sub-projects
♦ budget estimate by project
♦ the definition of budget monitoring rates.
This last functionality is presented as the essential component of project budget management.
More concretely, for cost monitoring, the software offers you the possibility of defining a salary rate per employee, according to the time unit "hour", "day" or "month", ie assimilated to the monthly salary.
The monthly estimate allows you to be more deterministic because the system will automatically assess the daily wage rate based on the number of working days in the current month.
The idea is to index the wage rate to the time spent, while offering you a breakdown of the time spent.
In the context of a managed mode project, invoicing is done on time.
In practice this can be complex because the progress of a project is not something linear.
Added to this is the nature of the contract with the client because in most cases this implies variable invoicing depending on the profile of the employee assigned to the project ... In other cases, the project billing conditions are based on a fixed contractual rate.
For this purpose, JOUROFF offers several possibilities, starting with the method of assessing the billing rate, by the hour or on a daily basis.
Then we offer several types of type :
♦ Fixed billing rate per employee
♦ Contractual project
♦ Contractual project and per employee
Depending on the nature of the contract, a project invoice does not have the same type of content.
To do this, JOUROFF relies on its calculation engine based on the decomposition of past time.
This offers you several possible combinations to generate the description of your invoice.
Firstly, from the Analytical Monitoring interface presented in the first paragraph, by selecting the Employee View, this implies that you want to make the employee appear in the description of the invoice.
However, it is possible to hide the employee to display only the project or the company as the items to be invoiced.
Project billing in managed mode involves the implementation of tools to measure the time spent on the project.
The JOUROFF software gives the possibility of estimating the work time load to consume on the project so as to manage a project time counter.
It is also possible to define a ceiling not to be exceeded in order to respect business constraints or time consumption conditions, from a contractual point of view with the client.