Calculate working hours for free online

How to calculate the working hours ?
Nothing better than a free online hours calculator to estimate your hours based on a weekly or monthly hours sheet to print.
In most cases, the calculation of working hours is based on the weekly working time, so as to assess the hours worked beyond the employee's contract.
The purpose of the timetable calculation table offered by this portal is to facilitate these calculations date by date.
The case of a 35-hour contract with recovery, having completed 8 hours the first 4 days from Monday to Thursday, and 7 hours on Friday.
The cumulative hours worked = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 7 = 39h.
Hours to recover = 39 - 35 = 4h.
If 25% increase from the 36th hour to the 39th, the quota of increased hours = 4 * 0.25 = 1 hour.

A free, adaptable and modular online timesheet...
º Are you an HR manager or an employee concerned by the calculation of working hours ?
º Do you want to add the working hours ?
º Does your manager ask you to periodically submit a work schedule ?
º Need a spreadsheet of hours worked by date and by activity ?

A multi-option timesheet

The calculation of working hours involves management rules which are variable by company.
This working time calculator offers you several options, among which :
The possibility of calculating the hours following the start time and the end time
Accumulated working hours over a day, addition in steps of 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes
Split of the day to indicate several activities with different time slots
Weekly or monthly hourly worksheet...An intuitive working hours calculator !
Preview of working hours and PDF export

Calculation of weekly working hours

In French labor law, the legal weekly hours quota is 35 hours.
These 35 hours lead to establishing the average monthly hours at 151.67 hours.
It is therefore this base of 151.57 hours which is considered in the pay slip, so as to smooth the hours monthly in a constant manner, regardless of the difference in working days between the different months.
Therefore, even if the month has 28 days, 30 days or 31 days, the employee is guaranteed to be paid on the basis of 151.67.
The calculation of 151.67 is carried out as follows : 35 hours x 52 weeks / 12 months.

Calculation of working hours - what is it ?
Calculating working hours is a process by which the employee enters their hours and then views the cumulative hours worked during their employment period.
The calculation of working time refers to the employee's contractual weekly working time.
The hours declared are added to the minute to compare with the hourly volume of the contract in order to determine the hours worked more or less.
If your employees are wondering how to calculate their hours? This hourly working time calculation table gives you the keys to adding up the hours with ease.

Online tool or excel model for calculating working hours ?

Frequently asked questions from the HR Manager and the employee when it comes to setting up a system for recording working> Thanks to this free online hours sheet, JOUROFF working time software editor offers you a tool for calculating working hours, which allows you to take into account the rules for organizing working time within your company.

Depending on the case, the working hours calculator allows you to fill in a weekly hours sheet, with the possibility to freely choose the number of the target week.

In most organizations, the working time counter is managed on a weekly basis.
The purpose of this calculator is to track hours worked smoothly, so as to provide you with a free downloadable work schedule.
Better than an Excel table for calculating working hours, the Jouroff calculator offers advanced options that go beyond a simple timesheet template to download.

No more excel model for calculating working hours !
This working time calculator automatically integrates a navigation system that allows you to view different months or different weeks, without having to recreate or readjust its Excel table for calculating working time.
This online hours sheet represents a module of the Jouroff working time software, which we have extracted for you to benefit from free of charge.

Calculation of monthly working hours

In some companies the calculation of working time is done through a sheet of monthly hours. This provides a general view of the hours worked over the monthly period.

The monitoring of monthly working time can have the advantage of optimizing the frequency of validation of timesheets...or quite simply to facilitate the management of hours within the framework of a service which takes place during a full month.
Note that this online timesheet can be used by Freelance providers, who need to know how many hours worked per project or per client.

The working hours calculation system offered by JOUROFF allows you to calculate hours with complete flexibility.
Indeed, you can dynamically switch to a different time calculation mode depending on the company's HR rules.
In the event that you want to calculate the hours worked over the entire month, the work hours worksheet offers navigation through the different months of the year.
Thanks to these different hours entry options, the working hours spreadsheet adapts to several business organizations...Whether it is to perform a simple addition of hours worked or as part of an advanced use for calculate his working hours.

How to declare hours to ensure correct calculation of working hours?
The working hours calculator is a table that allows you to add up the hours.
The hour calculation formulas are pre-coded to make your task easier.
Simply declare the hiring hours in the form of a clock, following the time of arrival and departure from the company.
Thus, the hours of the week are accumulated at the bottom of the hourly calculation table.
This hourly calculator also serves as a working timetable, because the hourly calculation table can be printed as a PDF document showing the employment hours.

Areas of application calculation of working hours

Calculation of working hours applied to leave management

Time is entered based on the hours actually worked by the employee.
Thus, to calculate his working hours, the employee must take into account his days of leave.
As a result, the company may favor a working hours calculation system which also integrates the monitoring of leave.
This last point is an area in its own right because it involves putting in place the HR rules for the acquisition and counting of leave.
The hours sheet presented here highlights the working time calculation aspect, rather than the calculation of paid leave.

However, you can definitely use this working time calculator as a tool for reporting hours by activity.
The list of activities offered by the timesheet allows you to record different types of activities.
You can therefore define an activity called holidays and absences in order to list it in the calculator.
By convention, a day of leave is estimated at 7 hours.
In this case, the preferred format for entering hours is the number of hours overall in a day.
On arrival, the working hours calculator offers an accumulation of weekly or monthly hours, depending on the frequency chosen.

Example of entering hours per day worked :
Monday: Administrative management (7h)
Tuesday: Training (3.5 hrs)
Tuesday: Validation of timesheets (3.5 hours)
Wednesday: Paid leave (7h)
Thursday: HR management (7h)
Friday: Team meeting (7h)

Total hourly calculation : 7h + 3.5h + 3.5h + 7h + 7h + 7h = 35h
We consider the weekly working time to be 35 hours.

Calculation of working hours applied to overtime

There may be multiple objectives for calculating working hours.
In the event that you wish to calculate working time for the purpose of recovering hours, you will have to set up a system for calculating overtime.
In this context, to calculate his working hours, the employee must above all refer to his employment contract which specifies his legal weekly working time.
From the point of view of the HR tool, the calculation of overtime is based on the setting of a weekly threshold of 35 hours for triggering overtime.

Depending on the type of employment contract, the overtime calculation threshold can be greater or less than 35 hours ... In the latter case, in French law, we speak of the recognition of additional hours.
It is also necessary to integrate the increase in overtime. For example, considering that the hours worked between 35h and 43h are increased by 25% and the hours beyond 43h are increased by 50%.
Within the framework of your company, you must refer to your collective agreement or company agreement to determine the applicable thresholds by hourly slice, as well as the percentage of increase of overtime.

Here is a simulation of the calculation of overtime for a contract of 35 hours per week :
(1) Weekly hours declared 38h
- Gross overtime for the first threshold = 38 - 35 = 3h
- Overtime after increase = 3 * 25/100 = 0.75 h
- Total overtime hours = 3 + 0.75 = 3.75 h

(2) Hours declared by the employee = 45h
- Overtime Threshold-1 = 43h - 35h = 8h
- Overtime Threshold-2 = 45h - 43h = 2h
...10 gross overtime hours counted
- Overtime after increase = (8 * 0.25) + (2 * 0.5) = (2h) + (1h) = 3h
- Total overtime = 10h + 3h = 13h

As long as the overtime calculation process is in place, the hourly calculation system can feed an hours recovery counter.
In the event of payment for overtime, it is necessary to integrate the calculation of the hourly rate according to the employee's contract.
If you wish to know more about the calculation of overtime, you can access the overtime simulator offered in the JOUROFF hr toolbox, located at the bottom of the site.

Calculate your working hours as part of the working time modulation

The field of calculating working hours is very wide because not all companies have the same operating mode.
In French labor law legislation, we also speak of the modulation of working time.
This concerns companies that have seasonality in their activity, ie the employee works more or less sustained per period.
For example, over the first six (6) months of the year, the employee works 40-hour weeks, and in the second semester he works according to a volume of 30 hours per week.
The goal is to project an average of 35 hours over the entire reference period.

Note that, regardless of the volume of hours worked over a given period, the employee keeps the same level of salary.
The modulation of working time or annualization can prove to be complex on a daily basis because it is necessary to integrate a provisional planning of annualization of working time.
Then, we calculate the actual hours worked week by week in order to respect the quota of working time fixed by the company agreement.

Calculate planned working hours

Some companies rely on schedule activities to calculate working hours.
This has the advantage of avoiding a double entry of working time by the employee.
The objective is to have a standardization of the management of working time.
Among the free HR tools for calculating working time offered by JOUROFF, there is a free online schedule, which allows you to specify date by date time slots in order to organize work efficiently.
If you do not use the planning tool, the working hours worksheet presented in this section allows you to specify on one side the start time and the end time...Then, a calculation of the number of total hours worked is proposed to you.

Work hour calculation and validation process

If you want to be exhaustive in the calculation of working hours, you can integrate the step of validating the hours declared by the Manager.
Time management software makes it easy to manage the time entry process followed by validation by the HR Manager... through a summary table of the hours worked by the employee.

In the absence of specialized time management software, this can be done through the printable timesheet.
However, JOUROFF as time management software offers a range of HR tools allowing the digitization of working time in all its components.

Does the working hours calculator replace the excel hours sheet ?

The objective of this online working time calculator is to make your task easier by offering you a calendar system, in addition to the addition of hours.
Indeed, the use of an excel timesheet requires to manually define the dates belonging to a week...This becomes even more complex when it is necessary to calculate the hours worked over the entire month.
The hour accounting system allows you to calculate hourly totals line by line, by date, by week or by month.
You save time and efficiency compared to an excel hours sheet.

Working hours and project time counter

The calculation of working hours can be done as part of activity monitoring, because beyond the human resources management aspect, very often working time is also time to invoice customers or quite simply to manage business activities.
To this end, the calculation of working hours must offer great flexibility.

This timesheet tool offers the notion of activities.
An activity can represent a project...In this context, this timesheet can be used to report time by project.
More than a calculator of working hours, this free tool allows you to add hours as well as to have a consolidated table of your working time.

Work hour calculation software vs Hours sheet

In a global approach to working time management, we offer you some elements of comparison between a working hour calculation software and this online hours sheet offered free of charge.
To begin with, it should be noted that JOUROFF is an HR software for the management and calculation of working hours intended for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises).
In fact, the time management software approach allows several situations to be taken into account in time tracking...In this context, it is interesting to study the contribution of an application to calculate working hours.

In its range of products, JOUROFF is developing, among other things, a freemium software model to calculate free working hours, the goal being to provide the best possible support to companies that are in the process of discovering time management tools to the calculation of employees' working hours.
In this time management software approach within the company, the employee has a dedicated space to submit his timesheet week by week...a kind of table to calculate working hours intuitively and periodic.

Monitoring working time : some tips for the employee and the employer !

The monitoring of working hours within the company involves the implementation of HR organization rules allowing the employer to ensure the monitoring of working time in a relevant way for all employees.
As a general rule, the monitoring of working hours requires the employer to enforce the rest period due to leaves and absences.
Indeed, working time monitoring consists in having a more global approach integrating the constraints of organization and planning of working time.

In this context, the working time monitoring tool offered through this page may show some limits...Nevertheless, this working time monitoring tool gives the employee the possibility of having a calculation table of hours worked with daily, weekly or monthly hourly cumulative.
The employee can thus follow his working hours precisely.
This working time monitoring process is fully managed by the JOUROFF time monitoring software, because the latter offers complete automation, starting from the declaration of working hours, the validation of the hours sheet by the employer, as well as the consolidation of the monitoring of working hours.
Thanks to this automation provided by the time tracking software, the employee and his employer benefit from a much more intuitive working hours monitoring table.

Time management software: what are the advantages ?

The time management software represents the final step to digitize the entire HR process, i.e. Time and Activity Management. The goal is to increase the productivity of your business through full automation of the human resources management process.
Even if the online timesheet tool can provide the key indicators, the time management software has the advantage of involving all the employees of your company.
It is clear that a company that sets up time management software needs to revive employees for time entry.
Indeed, the employee believes that time management will sometimes eat up time in his usual tasks.
As the publisher of online time management software, we have compiled the different user needs in the field of working time management.
This allowed us to develop time management software focused on user experience.
Thus, we offer a certain number of features aimed at getting employees to join.
Note that the time entry initiated by the employee represents the entry point of the time tracking software.
Among the tools available to employees, we can cite our timesheet software, considered one of the best timesheet software in its category. The user has the following different application functionalities :

Duplicate timesheet :
Possibility for the user to duplicate a timesheet already filled in.
Through this option, the user of the time management software will be able to speed up time entry to gain in productivity.

Timesheet planning profile :
A planning profile is an advanced feature of the time management software.
The timesheet profile represents a working time base applicable to one or more users at the same time.
It allows to do the planning of resources in mass, namely, the filling of the timesheet, several weeks in advance.

Activity recurrence :
The activity recurrence module allows automatic prefilling of the timesheet.
The idea being to define a working time base...Then, the time management software will ensure the pre-filling of your timesheet.
Thanks to this feature, the time management software saves you time.
The Manager can also download the timesheets to a file in Excel format.
In the event that users or employees do not have access to the online interface of the working hour software, this function of downloading the excel table can be useful.

In conclusion, even if the working hour software goes further in the hourly calculation, the working time calculator proposed through this page still responds to several types of requests, namely :
table to calculate working hours per employee
working hour per day based on monthly working days
tool to calculate free working hours
calculation of monthly or weekly working hours
the employee who wants to calculate his working hours or who wonders how to calculate the increase in overtime
work hour calculation to reconcile with the salary
calculation of annual working time ... in this case, it suffices to compile the monthly hours sheets

You will understand, this free calculator makes you forget the calculation of working hours in Excel.